Overview of useful resources to support CUNY Graduate Center students

The Graduate Center offers a number of excellent support services to help you navigate through your doctoral studies. You can view the videos here to learn about these services. (Click to jump to the section.)

Career Planning

The Office of Career Planning & Professional Development (CP&PD) supports the Graduate Center’s students in exploring and understanding career paths and achieving their professional goals.

Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) creates and connects opportunities for GC students to grow as educators and scholars within the nation’s largest public urban university system.

Student Disability Services

The mission of Student Disability Services is to provide and support equal access to all programs, services, and activities of the Graduate Center and the University for Graduate Center students* with disabilities.

Research and Sponsored Programs

The Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) office is the central administrative unit for overseeing GC-CUNY applications for, and awards from, governmental and foundation funding

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) covers core norms, principles, regulations, and rules governing the practice of research.

Quantitative Research Consulting Center

The Quantitative Research Consulting Center (QRCC) provides faculty, post-docs, and students greater resources for statistical support in quantitative and empirical research. The Center complements existing statistics coursework by bridging the gap between the classroom and implementation in researchers’ own work. The QRCC offers individualized consulting appointments free of charge to members of the GC community.

GC Library

The Graduate Center Mina Rees Library is the hub of CUNY’s scholarly production.

Writing Center

The Writing Center assists current and past graduate students develop writerly skills and habits through individual consultations, workshops, and other programming.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center provides health education and counseling services to registered students of the Graduate Center and Craig Newmark School of Journalism of CUNY. The Wellness Center is comprised of Student Health and Student Counseling Services. All services and events are free or significantly subsidized.

Union Membership

As a graduate student-worker, your wages, benefits, and working conditions are negotiated and defended by your union, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), which represents 30,000 faculty and staff at CUNY and the CUNY Research Foundation. To become a member of the union you must sign a membership authorization card online.

Core Facilities

High-end core facilities and instrumentation in the ASRC, allow graduate students to expand the scope and scale of their research endeavors.

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The Graduate Center Science Communication Academy and Outreach Programs

The Graduate Center Science Communication Academy and Outreach Programs provide information on events, trainings, fellowship opportunities and resources to support your development as a science communicator.