Program executive officers and faculty are excited to welcome our new students
You can view the videos below to learn about your program, and what to expect as you begin your doctoral studies at the CUNY Graduate Center. (Click to jump to the program.)
Executive officers and other program representatives will be hosting program breakout sessions on August 27, 2024.
The Ph.D. Program in Biochemistry, established in 1967, is consortial in nature, with faculty members drawn principally from the senior CUNY colleges. All research laboratories are located on the college campuses. The senior colleges that participate in the doctoral biochemistry program are: Brooklyn College (Biology and Chemistry departments), City College (Biology and Chemistry and Biochemistry departments), Hunter College (Biology and Chemistry departments), The College of Staten Island (Biology and Chemistry departments), John Jay College of Criminal Justice (Department of Sciences), Lehman College (Biology and Chemistry departments), Queens College (Biology and Chemistry and Biochemistry departments) and York College (Biology and Chemistry departments).
The program office will communicate relevant information to incoming students directly via email.
The Graduate Center’s Ph.D. Program in Biology provides its students with interdisciplinary research and training opportunities in the world-class laboratories of doctoral faculty located both at CUNY campuses throughout New York City, and at affiliated institutions, which include The New York Botanical Garden and The American Museum of Natural History. Biology subprograms include Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior (EEB), Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCD), Neuroscience (NS), and Plant Sciences (PS)
The Ph.D. Program in Chemistry at the Graduate Center is a collaboration of over 120 faculty at seven CUNY colleges and the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center creating new knowledge at the forefront of the chemical enterprise centered in the world’s most dynamic city. The culture of CUNY involves smaller research groups than at other New York City institutions which allows for greater mentoring and interaction with faculty. The scale of CUNY provides both access to state of the art facilities and a rich diversity of expertise for chemical research.
The Physics Ph.D. Program is a consortium of eight member colleges that boasts world-leading researchers in theoretical and experimental physics as well as world-class laboratory facilities. With over 100 research-active faculty working in almost every field of physics, we are one of the largest physics graduate programs in the United States.
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